Request for Proposal- Consultancy Service to Conduct Final Project Evaluation in Juba, South Sudan

“About Amref Health Africa in South Sudan”

Amref Health Africa has a long history in South Sudan, from 1972 in what was then the southern region of Sudan. Over the decades, Amref Health Africa has played critical role in planning and developing the country’s health care system. Working with South Sudan’s Ministry of Health, Amref Health Africa has helped to create a national health care plan, train health care workers as well as develop and implement life changing scalable WASH models. Working together with communities to improve health, particularly in rural and remote areas where health care is nearly impossible to access.

“Project Background and Description”

Earlier in 2016, 2017 and 2018, Amref implemented two phased GIZ-funded WASH programs in Equatoria Region, which documented great evidence of success in the targeted project sites of Yambio and Torit. This current third phase builds on the results of the previous programs and includes two new sites (Yei and Gumbo). Prior to the start of the third phase, Amref Health Africa conducted a household water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) baseline survey aiming to provide a detailed assessment and contextual understanding of Gumbo Shirikat, Rajaf County in Central Equatoria State of the Republic of South. It is targeted to cover four sites across three states in the country aiming to increase WASH awareness on Household level. Overall, the project targets to reach a total of 24,000 households in the three states, directly benefit over 168,000 beneficiaries with differentiated WASH service packages

Application Submission process

Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted by close of business Thursday, 27th April 2023 through [email protected]
Download the Attached TOR for More Information about this Assignment.
GIZ-WASH_ToR_End_Term_Evaluation_AmrefSS-FINAL.pdf (784.5 KB)