Request for Proposal: 2 CFR 200 Audit

IntraHealth International is a US-based organization registered in South Sudan as an International Non-Governmental Organization since 2006. IntraHealth International is a global health and independent nonprofit organization that has worked for over 40 years in over 100 countries. IntraHealth has partnered with the National Ministry of Health and local non-governmental organizations to cultivate local solutions with lasting results and to improve the performance of health workers and strengthen the systems so that everyone everywhere has the health care they need to thrive.
IntraHealth International Inc, South Sudan is implementing USAID Advancing HIV & AIDS Epidemic Control (AHEC) and Strategic Information Project (SI) in South Sudan. The purpose of the USAID/Advancing HIV & AIDS Epidemic Control (AHEC) Activity is to decrease morbidity and mortality among South Sudanese by increasing prevention, care, treatment, and retention services for at risk men, women and children and key population and to improve South Sudan’s journey to self-reliance by strengthening the capacity of local partners to prepare them for the receipt of future prime funding.

IntraHealth is seeking a reputable audit firm to conduct an objective external financial audit of the organization’s financial transactions for the year ending June 30, 2021. Find attached RFP for more details.
IntraHealth International Inc., South Sudan-RFP for FY21 Financial Audit.pdf (132.5 KB)