Request for Concept Notes - USAID funded Shejeh Salam Activity

The USAID funded Shejeh Salam activity is requesting interested partners to submit concept notes for small grants in-line with Shejeh Salam’s four objectives in targeted counties of South Sudan:

  1. Local actors build crossline interdependence and intra-community cohesion to promote peace processes and peaceful co-existence.
  2. Civil society actors advocate for peace and reconciliation and participate in civic processes.
  3. Key partners provide trauma awareness services to communities.
  4. Print, radio, and other media provide accurate, fair and thorough information to mitigate the destructive impact of rumor and misinformation.

This current request for concept notes is limited to faith-based South Sudanese NGOs, CSOs, or CBOs. Full instructions are found in the attached PDF, please send any inquiries to [email protected] by the 24th of September. The deadline for submission of concept notes is COB on October 8th.
DT001_Request for Concept Notes.pdf (290.6 KB)
RfCN_DT001_Concept Note Template.docx (116.7 KB)
RfCN_Resources Required.xlsx (49.3 KB)

Responses to Questions.pdf (132.8 KB)

Please find the attached responses to all questions submitted in regards to the request for concept notes.