Request for Concept Notes, DT002 - USAID-funded Shejeh Salam Activity

The USAID funded Shejeh Salam activity is requesting interested partners to submit concept notes for small grants in-line with Shejeh Salam’s four objectives in targeted counties of South Sudan:

  1. Local actors build crossline interdependence and intra-community cohesion to promote peace processes and peaceful co-existence.
  2. Civil society actors advocate for peace and reconciliation and participate in civic processes.
  3. Key partners provide trauma awareness services to communities.
    4.Print, radio, and other media provide accurate, fair and thorough information to mitigate the destructive impact of rumor and misinformation.

For this request for concept notes, proposed activities should link to the USAID Women, Peace and Security Strategy’s first Line of Effort: Seek and support the preparation and meaningful participation of women around the world in decision-making processes related to conflict and crises. Types of activities that would fall within this line of effort include:

a) Encourage the inclusion of women in peace and political processes and decision-making.
b) Capacity building and technical training that encourages women’s participation.
c) Address barriers that prevent women’s participation in peace and political processes.

DT002_Concept Note Template.docx (116.8 KB)
DT002_Request for Concept Notes.pdf (295.4 KB)
RfCN_Resources Required.xlsx (49.3 KB)