Relief's International call for quotations : Water harvesting items

The Relief International (RI) is an International NGO committed to “Saving Lives and Sustaining Livelihoods” worldwide. Our program activities are based in the Greater Upper Nile states specifically in the counties of Maban, Longechuk and Maiwut, with a Country office in Juba. We are engaged in providing cross-sectoral programs bridging relief and development.

Relief International is hereby inviting a tender to supply and delivery of water harvesting items . As per the attached RFQs:-
Water harvesting items.pdf (952.9 KB)

Terms & Requirements
. The quotations should be submitted as per the following instructions.
1- Prices: The price should be quoted inclusive of transport to Juba, South Sudan. This means the unit price should be for supply and delivery.
2- Evaluations of Quotations: Offers determined to be significantly responsive to the specifications will be evaluated by comparison of their prices, prove of the vendor’s worthiness and ability to meet all costs and bill of Relief International after wards.
3- Biding is open to all qualified bidders registered in South Sudan with attachment of all legal document company profile, certificate of incorporation and Tax identification certificate.
4- The delivery lead time will also be a consideration in the quotation submitted and delivery location is Relief International office in Juba,South Sudan
5- Validity of the Quotation: Your quotation should be valid for a period of Three months from the date of submission. Ensure that your quotations are on company letter heads and must be stamped.
Hard copies of all completed bids and documentation should be submitted to Relief International’s office located at Tog Ping, Opposite VAMP Supermarket , Juba not later than 18 Sep, 2017.
All bids must be sealed and marked “ with RFQ reference number ” .
Acceptance of your tender and any subsequent contract are subject to the Relief International’s Terms and Condition of purchases.
Relief International reserves the right to accept or reject any bids, and to cancel the biding process and reject all bids, at any time prior award, without thereby incurring any liability to bidders or any obligation to inform bidders of the ground for the Relief International’s action.
All bids submitted to Relief International MUST be registered at reception.
For any information regarding bid submissions, quality specifications or clarification of the above tender, please contact person for this tender at .

Dear sir/Madam

kindly pleas find the Attached pro;forma invoice

Lelty General Trading .com

RELIEF PR I.pdf (783 KB)

RELIEF PR 2.pdf (686 KB)

RELIEF PR 3.pdf (737 KB)

RELIEF PR 5.pdf (684 KB)