Re-advertised Terms of Reference for learning Agenda for PAX in an Alliance of Leaders of Peace

Peace Movement Netherlands Foundation (PAX) is the largest peace organization in the Netherlands, collaborating with committed citizens and partners to protect civilians against acts of war, curb armed violence and foster just peace. PAX is active in fourteen countries besides the Netherlands. PAX programme intervention by then in Sudan started in 1994, working closely with the churches, community-based organizations, civil society and activists. Currently, PAX works with National partners and networks in Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity State and Lake State. PAX has a national office in Juba, South Sudan with five experienced South Sudanese project staff excluding the support staff and the head office is in Utrecht, Netherlands. In South Sudan, we are focusing on community-based security and protection of civilians, natural resources and human rights, Transitional justice and women, Peace building, reconciliation and conflict transformation, Peace, and security.

PAX is in a consortium referred to as The Leaders of Peace (LoP), which is an alliance of five partners; Plan International, HealthNetTpo (HNTPO), Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA), and Eve Organization. LoP consortium is implementing a Women Peace and Security programme based on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR1325) and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) for five years (2021-2025). The Program’s strategic objective is “A more empowering and inclusive environment in South-Sudan, where W/G feel safer, better enabled to realize their rights, to play an influential role towards conflict prevention and sustainable peace”.

Therefore PAX is seeking for a qualified consultant to conduct an action research for its allocated learning agenda question; How do formal and informal CSO’s (especially women, men, boys, and youth-led groups) become sustainable lobby and advocacy allies, jointly influencing the WPS agenda?
TOR Learning Agenda Consultant PAX.pdf (220.6 KB)