Dear Sir/Madam,
The Government of South Sudan has received financing from The World Bank through the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare (MGCSW) towards the cost of South Sudan Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment Project (SSWSEEP).
As such, the SSWSEEP is seeking to use a portion of the proceed of the funds to finance the hiring of a Third-Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA) services.

The PMU-SSWSEEP/MGCSW Invites eligible consulting Firms/NGO’s (“Consultant”) to express their interest in providing the services of a TPMA. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services based on the eligibility criteria as attached in the call for expression of document here
REOI -TPM Re advertised 10-06-2024.pdf (3.5 MB)