Qualitative Data Management and Analysis with NVIVO Course

Course Date: 25th – 29th, November 2019 for 5 Days

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Organizer: Foscore Development Center


This course is designed for participants who plan to use NVivo for the management, coding, analysis and visualisation of qualitative data. The course’s content is spread over four modules and includes setting up an NVivo project and organising data; coding data, working with case and attributes; seeking patterns and identifying relationships across data, and presenting findings using graphic displays. The course is entirely hands-on and uses sample data to learn NVivo’s basics and advanced features.


5 days

Who Should Attend?

Statistician, analyst, or a budding data scientist and beginners who want to learn how to analyze data with NVIVO

Course Objective:

  • Understand how to set up a project in NVivo
  • Understand how to import, create and work with codes and nodes in NVivo
  • Manage all your material conveniently in one project file, easily work with material in your own language
  • Effortlessly share your work with others
  • Easily manage your information and enhance your internal workflow and reporting processes

Course content

Understanding Qualitative Research

  • Qualitative Data
  • Types of Qualitative Data
  • Sources of Qualitative data
  • Qualitative vs Quantitative
  • NVivo key terms
  • The NVivo Workspace

Preliminaries of Qualitative data Analysis

  • What is qualitative data analysis
  • Approaches in Qualitative data analysis; deductive and inductive approach
  • Points of focus in analysis of text data
  • Principles of Qualitative data analysis
  • Process of Qualitative data analysis

Introduction to NVIVO

  • NVIVO Key terms
  • NVIVO interface
  • NVIVO workspace
  • Use of NVIVO ribbons

NVIVO Projects

  • Creating new projects
  • Creating a new project
  • Opening and Saving project
  • Working with Qualitative data files
  • Importing Documents
  • Merging and exporting projects
  • Managing projects
  • Working with different data sources

Nodes in NVIVO

  • Theme codes
  • Case nodes
  • Relationships nodes
  • Node matrices
  • Type of Nodes,
  • Creating nodes
  • Browsing Nodes
  • Creating Memos
  • Memos, annotations and links
  • Creating a linked memo

Classes and summaries

  • Source classifications
  • Case classifications
  • Node classifications
  • Creating Attributes within NVivo
  • Importing Attributes from a Spreadsheet
  • Getting Results; Coding Query and Matrix Query


  • Data-driven vs theory-driven coding
  • Analytic coding
  • Descriptive coding
  • Thematic coding
  • Tree coding

Thematic Analytics in NVIVO

  • Organize, store and retrieve data
  • Cluster sources based on the words they contain
  • Text searches and word counts through word frequency queries.
  • Examine themes and structure in your content

Queries using NVIVO

  • Queries for textual analysis
  • Queries for exploring coding

Building on the Analysis

  • Content Analysis; Descriptive, interpretative
  • Narrative Analysis
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Grounded Theory

Qualitative Analysis Results Interpretation

  • Comparing analysis results with research questions
  • Summarizing finding under major categories
  • Drawing conclusions and lessons learned

Visualizing NVIVO project

  • Display data in charts
  • Creating models and graphs to visualize connections
  • Tree maps and cluster analysis diagrams
  • Display your data in charts
  • Create models and graphs to visualize connections
  • Create reports and extracts

Triangulating results and Sources

  • Triangulating with quantitative data
  • Using different participatory techniques to measure the same indicator
  • Comparing analysis from different data sources
  • Checking the consistency on respondent on similar topic

Report Writing

  • Qualitative report format
  • Reporting qualitative research
  • Reporting content
  • Interpretation

General Notes

  • All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants needs

  • The participant must be conversant with English

  • Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, web based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are expert with more than 10years of experience.

  • Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with Foscore development center certificate (FDC-K)

  • Training will be done at Foscore development center (FDC-K) center in Nairobi Kenya. We also offer more than five participants training at requested location within Kenya, more than ten participant within east Africa and more than twenty participant all over the world.

  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

  • The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance and other personal expenses.

  • Accommodation, pickup, freight booking and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.

  • One year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

  • Register as a group of more than two and enjoy discount of (10% to 50%) plus free five hour adventure drive to the National game park.

  • Payment should be done two week before commence of the training, to FOSCORE DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us prepare better for you.

  • On registering online you will automatically receive invoice and invitation letter to enable you attend the training

  • For any enquiry at: [email protected] or +254712260031

  • Website: www.fdc-k.org

  • Click to view course content and register as individual or group using this link to receive invoice and invitation letter

  • Click to view Research and Data Analysis courses calendar 2019

  • Click to view All Courses calendar 2019