Public Health in WASH during Emergencies Course

Course Date: 11th – 15th November, 2019 for 5 Days

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Organizer: Foscore Development Center (

Course Fee : $ 1,000


In the event of a disaster, the existing water storage facilities are inadequate to meet the current or expected demands. The existing water supply pipe lines are vulnerable and basic WASH materials are lacking to meet the demand in the event of the disaster. Preparedness and response capacities of health facilities are insufficient due to the lack of trained professional human resources, lack of coordination and inadequate policies. Issues at Health Sector level include the lack of health personnel preparedness for hazards other than epidemics, lack of awareness and knowledge on DRM, the lack of implementation of the health disaster preparedness and response plans, and no mechanism for networking and resources sharing.

No of Days

5 Days

Course Content

Module 1

  • Disaster Terminology, Disaster Management
  • Cycle, Sphere Standard
  • Epidemiological Management During Emergency
  • Solid/ Medical Waste Management
  • What is Hygiene Promotion?

Module 2

  • Drinking Water Quality, Treatment and Hygiene
  • Practical on Drinking water quality, treatment and hygiene
  • Sanitation, its importance, type and its use during emergency
  • Practical on toilet construction during emergency
  • Six Steps to Hygiene Promotion

Module 3

  • Risk Practices
  • Practices to target
  • Motivating Behavior Change
  • Communicating Hygiene
  • Conclusion: Hygiene Promotion: Practical and Effective

Module 4

  • Application of GIS in WASH and public health
  • Introduction to GIS
  • Spatial Data collection in GIS for WASH and public health

General Notes

  • All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants needs

  • The participant must be conversant with English

  • Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, web based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are expert with more than 10years of experience.

  • Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with Foscore Development Center certificate (FDC-K)

  • Training will be done at Foscore Development Center (FDC-K) in Nairobi Kenya. We also offer more than five participants training at requested location within Kenya, more than ten participant within east Africa and more than twenty participant all over the world.

  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

  • The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance and other personal expenses.

  • Accommodation, pickup, freight booking and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.

  • One year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

  • Register as a group of more than two and enjoy discount of (10% to 50%) plus five hour adventure drive to the National Game Park, in Nairobi Kenya.

  • Payment should be done two week before commence of the training, to Foscore Development Center account, so as to enable us prepare better for you.

  • For any enquiry at: [email protected] or +254712260031

  • Click to view course content and register as individual or group using this link

  • Click to view related courses calendar 2019

  • Click to view Course calendar 2019 for all our courses