Project Planning and Management workshop from 8th to 16th July 2019

Strategia Netherlands is an international organization with the mission of
making development and humanitarian work more effective. This is achieved
through developing and implementing high-quality consultancy projects and
delivering innovative capacity building solutions to United Nations (UN)
agencies, governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide.
Course Background
This Project Management – From Theory to Practice course offered by Strategia Netherlands
prepares theoretical background with a practical approach to project management. You will
learn about leading project management methods, project implementation in teams, and
experience different factors that determine the successful completion of a project.
Good project management is the basis of project impact, and is essential in delivering results
for any development and humanitarian organisation.
The course is a comprehensive review of project design and planning and project
management. Our Project Management course is designed to give participants improved
capacity in development organizations.
The highly interactive course uses a collaborative learning approach, based on a series of real-
life case studies and examples. It takes account of the latest trends in project planning, project
implementation, project management, funding, monitoring and evaluation. This course is
suitable for those who are already familiar with the basics of project management in
humanitarian or development cooperation.
Project management involves the planning, organizing, securing and managing of resources
to achieve the successful completion of specific project goal and objectives. This course covers
project management methodology, tool sets and documentation, including project analysis,
needs assessments/ planning, design, project implementation, Log Frame development,work
plan, indicators, understanding inputs ,outputs and outcomes, monitoring and evaluation.
Overall Course Objective:
To Increase your project planning and management skills for effective and successful Project
Implementation while expanding your career opportunities.
Course Content
 Introduction to Project Management
 Project Design and Planning, Indicators
 Project Implementation
 Budgeting
 Workplan Development
 Project Fundraising

 Log Approach to project planning and Implementation
 Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation
Course fee: Amount €2000 per person . This fee caters for course registration, training
course materials, conference meals and a certificate. This fee does not cater for
accommodation and flight tickets.
To register for this course, kindly contact:
The Training Manager
Strategia Netherlands
[email protected]