PRINCE2 Is The International Standard Method for Project Management. It is recognised as a world-class international product, and is the standard method for project management, not least because it embodies many years of best practice in project management and provides a flexible and adaptable approach to suit all projects. It is a project management method designed to provide a framework covering the wide variety of disciplines and activities required within a project. PRINCE2’s formal recognition of responsibilities within a project, together with its focus on what a project is to deliver (the why, when and for whom) provides your organisation’s projects with:
A common, consistent approach
A controlled and organised start, middle and end
Regular reviews of progress against plan and against the Business case flexible decision points
Assurance that the project continues to have a business justification
Flexible decision points
Management control of any deviations from the plan
The involvement of management and stakeholders at the right time and place during the project
Good communication channels between the project, project management, and the rest of the organisation
A means of capturing and sharing lessons learned
A route to increasing the project management skills and competences of the organisation's staff at all levels.
Course Objectives
- Understand the need for project management
- Plan, organize and implement PRINCE2 projects
- Delegate tasks and run a project in a controlled manner
- Managing risks effectively so that they don’t affect the project adversely
- Ensure that the delivered project meets the requirements and benefits the organization
21ST November -25th November 2016
• Principles
• Introduction to PRINCE2® Themes
• Business Case
• Organization
• Quality
• Plans
• Risk
• Change
• Progress
• Introduction to Processes
• Starting up a Project
• Directing a Project
• Initiating a Project
• Controlling a Stage
• Managing Product Delivery
• Closing a Project
• Tailoring PRINCE2® to the project environment
• Discussion Complete Manual
• Sample Foundation Exam
• Foundation Exam
• Sample Practitioner Exam
• Practitioner Exam
Why Use a Project Management Methodology
PRINCE2 provides benefits to the managers and directors of a project and to an organisation, through the controllable use of resources and the ability to manage business and project risk more effectively.
PRINCE2 embodies established and proven best practice in project management. It is widely recognised and understood, providing a common language for all participants in a project.
PRINCE2 encourages formal recognition of responsibilities within a project and focuses on what a project is to deliver, why, when and for whom.
PRINCE2 Agile allows you to add flexibility and improved communication to these projects by integrating agile methods.
1200 USD and the fee is inclusive of training,exams,refreshments and official Kits.
Note:if its a group training we always send our trainer there.
Registration Information
Caroline Mutembei
Computer learning Centre
2nd Floor, Museum Hill Centre
Tel: +254 718 018948
Skype. caroline.mutembei