Prevention and Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Course.(16th -20th OCTOBER, 2017.)

Event: Prevention and Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Course


Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) constitute a major cause of morbidity & mortality worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Their public health importance draws from their complications which disproportionately affect women and newborns, their reproductive health consequences and the fact that they facilitate the transmission of HIV. However, all STDs are preventable and most can be cured. Effective STD case management is the cornerstone for STD control through breaking the chain of transmission from infected to non-infected persons
The purpose of this course is to provide practical guidance to participants of operational level health workers who are expected to conduct STD case management in the health facilities. Its aim is to provide with skills to train clinicians in the syndromes management of STDs, provide counseling and community education about STDs. It also provides practical information to plan, execute and evaluate STD training. The knowledge gained in this training will aid participants to increase awareness on STDs

5 Days

This training programme is for clinicians and service providers whose normal duties include first-level diagnosis and treatment of patients and those who work as outreach providers, counselors or educators at any first-contact health facility. To make an effective attack on the STI epidemic, it is important that all such staff be trained as quickly as possible.
The training may also be of value to more experienced staff who will be involved in the management or administration of clinics and health services.

• Summarize the epidemiology of the most common genital sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
• Describe the modes of transmission of genital STDs.
• Explain the principles and strategies for prevention of STDs.
• Discuss diagnostic methods for sexually transmitted diseases.
• List the treatment options for each of the most common STDs.
• Describe protection against STDs for victims of sexual assault.
• Discuss the education of patients and their partners at risk for contracting STDs.

Visit our website for more details.

Tailor-Made Training
This training can also be customized for your institution upon request to a minimum of 4 participants. You can have it delivered in our training centre or at a convenient location.

How to participate
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