Office Assistant-IsraAID South Sudan


IsraAID is an international non-governmental humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Israel. Since its founding in 2001 and has since its inception worked in emergency and long-term development settings in more than 60 countries around the globe.

IsraAID South Sudan (IsraAID SSD) founded in 2011 after South Sudan gained its independent. It has worked in more than 3 States across the country responding to emergencies and helps communities affected by crises and shocks rebuild their lives and their futures, together with particular focus on women, men, boys, and girls who suffer from harmful practices to assist them access protection/GBV services and to address referrals options this is done through partnering with local communities around the country.

We are therefore seeking for experienced, qualified competitive dynamic- self-motivated, a highly competent individual with exemplary ethical conduct to join our South Sudan Team as Office Assistant to be based in Juba, South Sudan.
Office Assistant.pdf (629.3 KB)