NRC South Sudan-Education Officer -Panyijiar

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organisation. Our task is to improve international protection of refugees and internally displaced persons, and to offer emergency humanitarian assistance regardless of race, nationality or political views. Our efforts are founded on the principle that all human beings are entitled to a life in peace, liberty, safety and equality, as this is expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. NRC has been working in South Sudan since 2004. Our core competencies include Education, Shelter, WASH, Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL), and Information, Counselling & Legal Assistance (ICLA).
Being an employee of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in South Sudan, the Education Project Officer (Gender and Inclusion) is expected to represent NRC in a responsible manner and always act in accordance with NRC’s Code of Conduct.
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