While the NGO Forum secretariat monitor posts, users are advised that this DOES NOT mean endorsement of the authenticity of the posting organisations.
Please note that we do not accept applications on behalf of the vacancies posted. Applications should be made to the contacts as indicated in the respective job vacancies.
How To Post on the Portal
Please follow the below instructions to post a job vacancy
- Please follow the link http://comms.southsudanngoforum.org/ to access our advertisement/communications portal.
- On the top right you will find the login button where u can sign up or login with your credentials
- After login change the category to jobs from a categories drop-down on the screen
- Click on the create new topic button which will give u a panel to post your advertisement
- Write the description about the advert, followed uploading the pdf/word attachment if any. (To access the upload file, please hover on the word like panel to see which does the uploads)
- After posting and reviewing the advert, click on the submit button.
The button for uploading attachments to your job posting is here: