NGO Forum 2021 Documentary Film Productions

NGO Forum 2021 Documentary Film Productions

Candidates intending to submit an expression of interest must supply the following information:

  • Documented experience in high quality filmmaking, with submitted samples of, or links to, relevant documentary pieces of work. Note that only three works will be considered and that the works must carry the logo and /or name of the applying local consultancy service or lead consultant. Samples of documentaries not related to the applicant will not be considered.

  • Three references from former clients with contact details. Note that references provided must be client references and contact details provided.

  • A technical proposal as specified by the attached ToR

  • A financial proposal that treats each series (1-4) separately, with a breakdown of costs for each series. This should be completed using the standardised attached template

Kindly note that this consultancy is only open to service consultants that are based in South Sudan and licensed by the National Media Authority.

The above mentioned documents/materials must be emailed to [email protected] by 02 September 2021.

ToR for NGO Forum 2021 Documentary Film Productions.pdf (254.7 KB)
Financial Offer-Film&Documentary Consultancy 2021.xlsx (35.7 KB)