National Accounts: Financial Sector Course.(03rd – 06th July 2017)

National Accounts: Financial Sector Course

This course covers theoretical and practical aspects in the compilation of national accounts statistics based on the conceptual framework of the latest System of National Accounts. The course consists of lectures covering methodological and compilation issues of the latest SNA and workshops consisting of practical exercises in compiling the accounts.
The course starts with an overview of the system of national accounts presenting the sequence of accounts for transactions and other flows as well as balance sheets with a focus on the framework of the latest SNA. It covers the main concepts involving transactions, other economic flows, stocks, institutional units, classifications, and main macroeconomic aggregates measured by the system.

Officials from national statistics offices, government ministries, Compilers of national accounts statistics employed by agencies responsible for official national accounts data. Participants should have basic knowledge in economics, statistics, or equivalent experience. Experience in the compilation of national accounts statistics is an Added advantage for participation in this course.

4 Days

• Explain new features of the SNA 2008 and their implications to national accounts compilation.
• Understand the components of financial system
• Explain new features of the SNA 2008 and their implications to national accounts compilation.
• Explain valuation principles and scope of transactions relating to production and income.
• Compile GDP using expenditure approach
• Identify and discuss financial and non-financial assets held by institutional units.
• Compile monetary and financial statistics in national accounting operations
• Understand financial operations tables for the flows and assets
• Apply concepts of price indices and volume indicators to compile constant price series national accounts aggregates.

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View Research, Data Management and Statistical Analysis Institute Institute Course Catalogue
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