Advocacy and Policy Influencing courses
start 29th May 2nd June 2017
Course Objectives
This course aims to introduce participants to the principles of a rights-based approach to Policy Analysis and policy influencing through evidence based advocacy tools and processes.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Participants should have acquired skills for policy analysis and advocacy in order to be able to apply course content to their country and organization specific contexts, identify policy advocacy opportunities and work out strategies to engage with their public policy framework in their country and organization contexts.
Target Group
The course is designed for governance and development actors from the following groups: non-governmental organizations, cooperatives and associations, community based organizations; farmers’ organizations and the media involved in or want to be involve in human rights based approach to policy formulation and implementation processes.
Social Protection Course
Start 5th June2017 9th June 2017
Course Objectives
To enhance participants ability to deliver and demand a variety of mechanisms, schemes and approaches through which economic and social well-being can be attained and guaranteed. It is aimed at equipping them with tools for trans-formative approach to Social Protection.
Learning Outcomes:
- The participants will acquire a deeper knowledge of what is going on around social protection within and outside the region, what is happening globally to prepare them for proper engagement either as workers, groups who can demand or implement social protection policies using human rights lens.
Target Group
Programmer staff/managers, community based organizations staff, co-coordinators and those in-charge of special projects and programmers within NGOs or government agencies, development agencies and other CSO groups working in civil society organizations that work to ensure social justice and equal distribution of wealth
Fee for the Course
Tuition only for this course is US$ 350 Only
Fee for the Course
Tuition only US$ 350 only
**visit our website for more information