The exercise of data collection remains indispensable in capturing quality evidence that then translates to rich data analysis and allows the building of a convincing and credible answer to questions that have been posed.
Mobile Phone Based Data Collection using ODK has been acknowledged world-wide by researchers, non-governmental organizations, relief agencies and health ministries among other organization as very useful and convenient data collection method substituting paper based data collection method.
The training is aimed at introducing and equipping participants with skills in;
- Designing & building a form using ODK build
- Uploading the form to aggregate & send to Android phone
- Setting up aggregate server
- Mobile data collection using ODK
- Submitting completed data to aggregate server
- Exporting data from ODK aggregate as CSV
- Importing ODK - CSV file into statistical applications
- Exporting GPS data for Mapping/Visualizing (fusion map)
- Components of Open Data Kit (ODK)
- Creating ODK Data CollectForm using Excel: Preparing your sheets
- Creating XLS forms manually based on;
- Types of questions
- Question’s caption or prompt
- Repetitive Questions
- Setting up own aggregate server using Google App Engine
- Configuring ODK Aggregate Server
- Exporting GPS Coordinates (Google maps) to Fusion tables
- Exporting GPS data for Mapping/Visualizing (fusion map)
To view event more details and book your reservation online, Click on this link EVENT DETAILS & ONLINE REGISTRATION