MEAL Officer

UNKEA is a national organization operating in South Sudan. UNKEA was founded in 2002 by a group of concerned men & women of Upper Nile state to respond to dire social, economic, livelihoods, and health conditions experienced by the South Sudanese Citizens. UNKEA’s initial purpose was to solely fight the deadly Kalazaar disease in Upper Nile. This was effectively achieved – prompting the organization to expand its mandate. UNKEA mandate has since expanded to include Primary Health Care, Nutrition, Food Security & livelihoods, Water & Sanitation, Education, Social development of youth and women, Economic development, Access to justice & Peace Building.

UNKEA has a zero tolerance policy with regard to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UNKEA‘s personnel against the people they serve. All forms of sexual exploitation and abuse are incompatible with the universally accepted norms, values, principles and standards that underpin UNKEA. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) is the responsibility of everyone and all selected candidates will be required to comply with UNKEA’s PSEA Policy at all times. Selected candidates will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks against their past behaviors related to sexual exploitation and abuse and may be required to provide additional information further on in the selection process.


UNKEA through CORE Group Partners Project (CGPP) is implementing CBS project in Upper Nile and Jonglie States. Considering that, the Organization is recruiting a Monitoring**, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Officer** to support project teams across the CORE Group Partners Project (CGPP) to engage to a high standard in CGPP’s monitoring, evaluation, reporting, learning (MEAL) and data quality assurance processes and building a culture of continuous quality improvement. He/she will support project teams to engage effectively with, processes outlined in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework, and data quality assurance activities. The position will continuously build M&E capacity across counties to ensure the M&E framework is applied and utilised to inform quality improvement. The job holder will, from time to time, liaise and seek guidance and advice from CGPP’s Monitoring & Evaluation Manager or any other designate.
MEAL Officer.pdf (2.0 MB)