Malteser International Request for Quotations RFQ_WAU_2024_121 for provision of Uniformed Unarmed Professional Guards Services

Malteser International Request for Quotations RFQ_WAU_2024_121 for provision of Uniformed Unarmed Professional Guards Services to Malteser International, Wau office.

We look forward to receiving your quotations by or before the submission deadline on 22nd August 2024 at or before 12:00 pm via E-mail to**:** [email protected]

Please write in the Subject line of your email with quotation: RFQ_WAU_2024_0121 for provision of Uniformed Unarmed Professional Guards Services to Malteser International Wau office

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely Yours,
Malteser International_RFQ_WAU_2024_0121 for provision of Uniformed Unarmed Guards Malteser International office in Wau.pdf (195.9 KB)