Malteser International Request for Quotation RFQ_JUB_2022_0244 for Supply of Bar Soap 600 gram and Floor Mat 1.80 x 2.80 Meters

Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V., Malteser International, Erna-Scheffer-Str. 2, 51103 Cologne, Germany

Country Coordination Office

Plot No: 445 Kololo Road 3k South

Tong Ping, Juba Town

South Sudan

Juba, 19th May 2022

Malteser International Request for Supply and delivery of bar Soap 600gram and Floor size 1.80 x2.80 Meters (nylon Made to Malteser International Juba office


We look forward to receiving your tenders by or before the submission deadline on 25th July 2022 at or before 12:00 PM via E-mail to [email protected]

Please write in the Subject line of your email with tender: Supply and delivery of
[Malteser International Request for Quotation RFQ-JUB_2022_0244 for Supply of bar Soap and Floor mat.

Malteser International Request for Quotation RFQ-JUB_2022_0244 for Supply of bar Soap and Floor mat.pdf (130.5 KB)