Malaria Consortium - RFP for OTP Sites Assessment

Malaria Consortium is seeking an experienced company to carry out 41 OTP sites assessment in Aweil, Aweil East, Lol, Wau, Gogrial, and Twic States during October 2017.

Please see attached documents for details. Submission deadline is 8 September 2017 at 17h00 Juba time, to be delivered in sealed envelope to MC South Sudan office.

For questions, please contact Tafadzwa Matova at, 0912300949 or Naruth Phadungchai at, 0922400588.

RFP - OTP Sites Assessment.doc (175.5 KB)
RFP Bidder Response Document.docx (58.2 KB)
Attachment A - OTP Site Report.xlsx (14.8 KB)
Attachment B - OTP Site List.xlsx (12.5 KB)