Malaria Consortium -Expression of Interest (EOI) Cash Payment Services

Established in 2003, Malaria Consortium is one of the world’s leading non-profit organizations specializing in the comprehensive prevention, control and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases among vulnerable and under privileged populations. We increasingly find our work on malaria can be effectively integrated with other similar public health interventions for greater impact and therefore expanded our remit to include child health and neglected tropical disease interventions.
We work in Africa and Asia with communities, governments, academic institutions, and local and international organizations, to ensure effective delivery of services, which are supported by strong evidence.
Our areas of expertise include:
• disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment
• disease control and elimination
• systems strengthening
• research, monitoring and evaluation leading to best practice
• behaviour change communication
• national and international advocacy and policy development

Malaria Consortium began activities in South Sudan in 2005, its main office is in Juba and sub offices in Aweil, Northern Bar el Ghazel, Jonglei and Upper Nile. Its programme areas include Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM), Boma Health Initiative, Nutrition for children under five years of age, health systems management, and LLIN mass distribution. We also work with the MoH on policy and guideline development. These programs are currently funded by UNICEF, Health Pooled Fund(HPF) and Global Fund.

Expression of interest (EOI) for Cash Payment Services
Deadline: 5 May 2021 at 17:00

It is the intent of this EOI to receive information from financial institutions who can support the provision of regular and ad-hoc cash payments to individuals in Aweil, Twic, Kuajok, Gogrial East or Gogrial West, Jonglei, Pibor Administrative Area, Akobo, Fangak and Bieh and any other part of South Sudan as new project needs may arise.

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