Plot No 38, Block 39, Hai Malakal Residential Area
Email: Tel
Juba, Republic of South Sudan
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VSF Canada is implementing through VSF Germany and VSF Suisse a two-year project funded by the Government of Canada (DFATD – Development Branch). The project aims to support the livelihoods of 11.000 vulnerable Households (66.000 individuals) specific counties in Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap States, South Sudan.
The project aims to strengthen the food security and livelihoods of vulnerable populations in the target areas. It is designed to increase food production in the short-term to help avert a food crisis that is threatening South Sudan, by increasing sustainable food production capacity and household incomes from agriculture and fisheries products.
The Project officially started on the 18th of June 2015 and will end on 31st of March 2017 and is part of a larger VSF-Germany programming interventions in South Sudan with extended presence in Lakes, Jonglei, and Upper Nile States.
The position will be based in the field camp in Luanyaker, Gogrial West, Warrap State of South Sudan. Facilities within and around the camp are basic but offer supportive working conditions within a challenging environment.
General scope of the job
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) officer is responsible for the effective performance of the project M&E system at program level as well as integration/harmonization of the project M&E systems with those of other projects within the wider VSF-Germany programming.
Organizational relationships
The position reports to the Country Program Manager with administrative responsibility to the Field Project Manager, Warrap State.
Responsibilities and tasks
Management of monitoring and evaluation systems review, analysis and design; and data and information collection and analysis, learning and reporting activities to help ensure accountability and significant project outcomes. Tasks will encompass:
a. Project conceptual theory and framework
• review project results chain from activities, processes, inputs, outputs, outcomes to and impacts; review of project vertical and longitudinal logic; and generation of knowledge from the same to inform project process, studies, assessments and appraisals;
• reviewing existing program M&E and management information systems for projects uniformity and harmonization;
• determining information needs of project management, implementing personnel, partners and stakeholders as may be advised;
• identification and design of performance questions, key indicators and targets for each project component, level of the objective hierarchy and developing of data and information collection formats, as well as designing the format of progress reports;
b. Documentation, analysis and communication
• development of M&E plans for each project component as well as whole projects, and facilitating project personnel to implement the M&E plans;
• continuous revising and updating performance questions, indicators, methods, formats and analytical processes;
• analyzing reports prepared by projects and preparing consolidated M&E reports in accordance with approved reporting formats;
• managing continuous collection of social and economic data from project areas to provide useful and timely programming data and information;
• drawing up Terms of References for data collection and processing to support programming.
c. Evaluation, research and learning
• collaborate in developing the TOR and supervising the work of organizations/ that may be sub-contracted to implement specific surveys or studies required for formative and summative evaluations;
• collaborating with partners and stakeholders to carry out data, information and methodology review and analysis events to generate learning for improved programming;
• Conducting training needs analysis, designing and facilitating learning events for program personnel.
d. Support functions
• Contribute to develop a M&E system at country level as well as discharging supporting duties that may be tasked and or delegated by the line manager.
Qualifications and experience required
• Degree in relevant field with proven experience and training in monitoring and with elements of measurement theory and practice;
• At least two years of experience in a position with similar responsibilities and tasks; competency in social research methodology, statistical methods, reporting and presentation;
• Demonstrated competency in training, facilitation, coaching and mentoring skills;
• Demonstrated competency in systems analysis, review and design;
• Good contextual knowledge of the country - social, cultural and economic context, priorities and constraints.
Posting Location and duration
• The position is based in Warrap State, South Sudan
• The location has basic accommodation facilities
• Initially it will ran for 12 months from January 2016, and may be renewed depending on performance and funding
Interested and qualified candidates should submit an application letter and CV to: address or via email addresses provided above. Indicate on the subject the Job Title. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews. Closing date for receiving applications is 05 – 01 2016 on or before 16.00hrs. South Sudanese are highly encouraged (especially females) to apply)