Looking for Peace Building Funding in Greater Jonglei

Dear lovely donors

Peace Action and Development for Rural communities Organization ( PADRCO ) is national registered NGO in 2019 , is none political, none partisan and none religions,none racism.
we have our office in Juba muniki , Bor, and Nyirol

PADRCO is asking any good will donors who are working day and night to support vulnerable people of south sudan in term of everything they are facing, to grant funding to this peace loving charity.

Greater Jonglei particularly northern part and Pibor areas are facing inter communal clashes every single year that include child abduction, cattles stolen with big lose of lives happening.
PADRCO is well equip to eradicate such inhuman act by bringing those communities to a best life standard for them to learn being self reliance , refracts from killing each others, child abduction ETC.
There is zero national and international NGO working for peace-building in Northern Jonglei to bring together Murle / Nuer communities together in order to live in peace

               **Our challenge**

lack of funding is our headache / blockage to pursue our goals/objectives to bring none peaceful communities together and enjoy living in peace.
To Get More info about PADRCO reach us on email address
[email protected] [email protected]

Thanks for reaching us in advanceSouth sudan NGO Forum