Long Term Agreement (LTAs) – Road/River Transport Service Provider & The supply of Stationeries and Assorted Office Consumables - South Sudan

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

WHH is currently in the market for reliable, established, and competent Suppliers/Service Providers for (a) the provision of road / river transport services and (b) Supply of Stationeries and Assorted office Consumables for its Country operations…

EU -Portal RFT ID #:269134 – Road & River Transport Service Provider

EU -Portal RFT ID #:269142 – Supply of Stationeries & Assorted Office Consumables

WHH Tender Ref. #: RFT ID #:269134 -SSD 1087 - SPR #: 187059

WHH Tender Ref. #: RFT ID #:269142 -SSD 1087 - SPR #: 187060

Please refer to the attached document for more details.Advert_ SPR-187059 & 187060_ Tender for LTAs - Transport Service Provider & Office Consumables.pdf (144.8 KB)


WHH Logistics Department