Logistics Assistant/Driver

Dear All,

DanChurchAid (DCA) is looking for an experienced and energetic Logistics Assistant /Driver for its South Sudan Country Operations. The duty station is Juba.

DCA is working with local partners in South Sudan to assist the poorest of the poor with a focus on protection, combating hunger, working for peace and conflict mitigation and the safe removal of explosive remnants of war.
In DCA we strive to secure high quality standards for both our programme and our Finance/Administration/HR Units. The aim of the Logistics Assistant/Driver in close collaboration with Head of Logistics and Prolog Officer, be focal person for all the DCA vehicles/fleets while s/he ensures that Drivers conform to DCA driving regulations within and outside Juba. Closely also with Admin focal person track UNHASS staff flights, follow-up on expat staff work-permits, visa, alien registration, and entry permit while ensuring clear accountability, professionalism as a priority; creating an efficient, open and inspiring work environment for all.

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and CV to [email protected]. Mark e-mail “Logistics Assistant-Driver/candidate’s surname”. The deadline for applications is November 14, 2016. If this is not at all possible an application can be submitted by hand at the DanChurchAid Office Compound in Hai Cinema near Pact South Sudan. Please note that no material or documents handed over to DCA will not be returned to the applicant upon termination of the recruitment process.

We especially encourage women to apply and a South Sudanese will be preferred for the position.


DanChurchAid Human Resources
Hai Cinema, Juba, South Sudan