Labor Market Statistics and Labor Inspection Course
Evidence is central to effective employment policies. Labour market issues such as working poverty, informal employment, vulnerable employment and under-employment can only be dealt with effectively using high-quality information on the labour market
The aim of the course is to boost the social partners’ understanding of decent work indicators, how to collect them and how to use them for empirically based policy-making.
Relevant members of the Employment Agencies
3 Days
• Recognize the complementary roles and needs of various government institutions in funding, collecting, analyzing and disseminating LMI
• Improve their knowledge of labour statistics, concepts and definitions;
• Understand and contribute to pertinent institutional LMI arrangements, including LMI units, survey units, employment and training centres, social partner organizations, etc.
• Develop and improve their critical analysis of labour market actors and situations;
• Analyze survey results on labour force characteristics, to evaluate labour market conditions and design appropriate local, national and regional policies
• Describe how labour inspection works
• Identify specific gaps in labour statistics, LMI and relevant mechanisms that may also inform the preparation of a technical cooperation project whose aim is to improve labour market-related statistics and infrastructures so as to ensure their sustainability in the future.
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