Job Opportunities

Christian Agenda for Development (CAD) is a faith based national non-governmental organization established in 2007 to address the humanitarian situation in South Sudan. CAD has a holistic, community driven approach to programming, ensuring that interventions are needs-driven and implemented in an inclusive integrated manner and in accordance with humanitarian principles.

Advancing HIV & AIDS Epidemic Control (AHEC) Activity is a USAID funded consortium led by IntraHealth to create a community-led response and aggressively strengthen HIV services along the prevention-to-care continuum, paying special attention to case finding and retention.

AHEC builds our capacity and resilience to adapt evidence-based HIV prevention, care, and treatment interventions for people living with HIV in Juba, Tambura and Nagero Counties

CAD, therefore, is seeking to recruit suitable South Sudanese nationals for the positions in the advert.

CAD_Job_Advert_2023.pdf (3.5 MB)