CMMB is a global non–governmental, humanitarian and development organization with a special focus on making healthcare available to all. CMMB has been implementing comprehensive health intervention in South Sudan since 2009.
CMMB South Sudan is seeking qualified and suitable candidates for the following position:
REPORTING TO Program Director
CLOSING DATE: 6th June 2016

The position will also have to coordinate with local level donor representatives and actively participate in different coordination bodies for planning, sharing and taking programmatic and strategic decision working closely with the Program Director. The Project Coordinator will be required to probe issues that affect the communities and broadens skills necessary to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate CHAMPS interventions. The project Coordinator will be required to impart knowledge and skills to project staff necessary to design and manage local Child and Mother Partnership initiatives in the selected project sites, community management structure child protection activities, Water and Sanitation activities through CLTs approaches.
2. Programmed Management and Development:
• To ensure that program plans and activities are meeting intended purpose and goals and the project managers have adequate knowledge and skills through technical support
• To ensure that the program takes into account the need to incorporate cross-cutting issues, and lessons learnt, whilst ensuring maximum participation of stakeholders.
• To lead the process of exploring potential areas for further program development in WES
• Ensure that project engages local stakeholders and develop local capacity for longer term sustainability.
• To document regularly program learning and success cases and disseminate learning within the country program.
• Jointly with the Program Manager, M&E Manager develop monitoring tools and maintain an effective monitoring and planning system, which informs reporting and programme design.
• To ensure timely production and submission of programme reports (monthly, quarterly and donor reports) and budget revisions.
• To ensure programme monitoring and evaluation is conducted to within specified timeframe

  1. Supervise and build capacity of project program
    Closely work with key CHAMPS staff at the field office to streamline program accountability, quality, and feedback to management, donors, and beneficiaries. Conduct periodical field visits in to monitor programme performance and provide guidance to field personnel on implementation. Carry out day to day management of program including recruitment, staff management, and capacity-building through trainings, coaching and mentoring of key staff.
    • Provide technical support to line manager at the field level and develop project and support staff whilst ensuring that there are clear and defined roles and responsibilities and up to date job descriptions for each staff.
    • To establish performance objectives for each of the staff and conduct formal semi/annual appraisals on timely basis.
    • To build staff capacity through training, mentoring and visits as appropriate.
    • To identify areas for staff and local partner training and development needs, set plans, and ensure effective implementation plan.
    • Through coaching and mentoring assist staff members in producing quality reports.

  2. Liaison/coordination
    Develop and maintain close liaison with the local authority, concerned, national/international agencies involved in humanitarian and development activities in the project location Take leadership role in sectoral coordination with other CMMB projects working under CHNAMPS.
    At Nzara level attend, organize and facilitate sectoral coordination meetings with WASH, HIV and AIDs response and WASH activities, while respecting CMMB core values, the code of conduct and maintaining humanitarian space. Represent CMMB and advocate on behalf of CMMB WES on sectoral issues with the with line ministries, line ministries,

  3. Financial Authority
    • In consultation with the Program Manager and Finance Manager to ensure timely and accurate budget revisions.
    • Ensure expenditure are undertaken in line with finance policies and procedures.
    • Ensure that field office program financial expenditures are approved based on CMMB policy and procedure.

  4. Job Responsibility
    Staff Safety
    • Ensure project staff under her/his supervision understands individual and collective responsibilities for safety and security.
    • Liaise with the Program Manager to ensure compliance with CMMB Security Guidelines and their effective application in the local context.
    • Monitor the operational environment with respect to increased level of threat.
    • Ensure immediate effective response in case of incidents or imminent threats
    • Advise Program Manager and CD on project suspensions and resumptions
    • Advise the PM and CD on the development of programme and safety strategies that will mitigate risk

    First degree in Social Studies, Public Health, MBA, or a related development field with over two years management experience in development programmes including infrastructure rehabilitation, community mobilization/finance, WASH response, additional knowledge and skills in community development will be an added advantage
    • Accounting or related discipline
    • Good knowledge in sub-grant
    • Good knowledge of quantitative and qualitative M&E and analysis methods

    At least 3 years’ experience in implementing WASH with CLTS experience, rural development and proven skill in coordinating or managing and integrating WASH, Safe motherhoods and protection in Child and Mother Partnerships
    • Excellent communication, presentation, diplomacy, and facilitation skills
    • Facilitative manager who can motivate staff and is sensitive to their ideas & concerns
    • Excellent report writing ability
    • Good knowledge with government policy systems, process and procedure especially in developing countries
    • Capacity building for CBOs, working with local partners and partner selection process
  1. CONTACTS/KEY RELATIONSHIPS: List the primary external and internal relationships, which the employee is expected to maintain. Briefly state the purpose of these interactions (including any significant committee involvement) and title of the contact person/people.
    • Program manager - Direct Reporting
    • CD Program – Program guidence and overral leadership of CMMB South Sudan Program
    • Operation Manger on logistic issues
    • CH and Safe Motherhood Project Managers
    • Key National Staff in the field offices – Direct supervisees
    • The Project Coordinator will be based in Nzara with 60% travel to project sites
    • Non – accompanied post
    • Accommodation provided for non-local staff
    • The working area is peaceful
    Application letters and CVs together with the names of three referees including daytime telephone contact, should reach the undersigned not later than 6th June 2016.
    Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
    Please indicate the position on the envelope
    Your application should include;
    1-Cover letter addressed to Human Resource Department
    2-Comprehensive CV with valid telephone number
    Applications once received are not returnable
    Human Resource Department.
    Catholic Medical Mission Board South Sudan (CMMB-SS)
    Gbudue Stadium Road, Block 9, Plot No.93, Yambio, WES
    Email:[email protected]:0955954999/0923141945/+256786695697