Invitation to Tender (ITT) for Provision of National Staff Health Insurance Servicesunder three (03) Years FWA REF: JUB-BLS-28109

Established in 1977 GOAL is an international humanitarian and development agency committed to working with communities to achieve sustainable and innovative early response in crises and to assist them to build lasting solutions to mitigate poverty and vulnerability. GOAL has worked in over 60 countries and responded to almost every major humanitarian disaster. We are currently operational in 14 countries globally. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit

GOAL has been working in South Sudan since 1985 with a focus on health, nutrition, WASH, food security and livelihoods and registered with Relief & Rehabilitation Commission (Registration #67). GOAL South Sudan is implementing programmes in Ulang and Renk in Upper Nile State, Twic, in Warrap State, Abyei Special Administrative Area and Kajo Keji in Central Equatorial State. GOAL South Sudan is funded by a number of donors, including Irish Aid, ECHO, WFP, UNICEF, WHO, Bank of Ireland, and South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF).

ITT-JUB-BLS-28109_ 3-Year FWA_ Staff Health Insurance Service Provision.docx (173.1 KB)