The Sudd Institute invites tenders from individual South Sudanese for a research project that examines Climate Change Resilient Seeds System in South Sudan. The study is part of Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) Programme’s research series funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and carried out by the Sudd Institute within a consortium composed of ACTED, Concern Worldwide and Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO).
To be eligible, an applicant must hold a minimum of a Master’s Degree in Environment, Agriculture, Natural Resources Management or relevant Natural Science or Social Science disciplines with a minimum of five years of research experience in climate change, seeds system, food security, agriculture, environment and natural resources management.
Tender documents can be obtained by:
1 Requesting soft copies by emailing Or
2 Collecting them from The Sudd Institute’s Head Office on Kololo Road adjacent to the Catholic University of South Sudan in Juba.
Submission of Bids:
¥ Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
Director of Administration and Finance
The Sudd Institute:
P.O.Box 34
Kololo Road, Adjacent to the Catholic University,
Juba, South Sudan
¥ The bidder should state on the envelope Tender for Research on Climate Change Resilient Seeds– Ref:1/2016.
¥ The deadline for submitting the bids is before 12:00 PM on Friday 23 September 2016 at The Sudd Institute’s Office located at the address stated above.
¥ Any bid submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
¥ Bids will be opened on Friday 23 September 2016, from 13.00 at The Sudd Institute’s Office located at the address stated above in presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
¥ Incomplete and electronic bids will not be accepted.
¥ If the envelope is not sealed and not marked as instructed above, The Sudd Institute will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the bid. A bid opened prematurely will be rejected.