Finn Church Aid (FCA) is the largest Finnish Development Cooperation Organization founded in 1947. FCA operate in around 15 countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. We work with the poorest people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background or political convictions. Our operation includes long-term development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and advocacy, and we operate around three thematic areas: Right to Quality Education, Right to Livelihood and Right to Peace. Finn Church Aid is a member of ACT Alliance.
FCA is launching an invitation to tender for Construction/Renovation Works in Mundri West, Western Equatoria State.
Interested bidders should submit their bids in a plain sealed envelope to FCA office addresses mentioned in the Invitation to tender dossier clearly marked “INVITATION TO TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION/RENOVATION WORKS IN MUNDRI WEST, WESTERN EQUATORIA STATE, SOUTH SUDAN - FCA/SSUCO012/2024” by 9th December 2024 by latest 11:30 aM South Sudan Time.
Bids Opening: Bids opening will take place on 5th December 2024 AT 3:31 PM and tenderers are invited to attend and witness the bids opening.
Any inquiry regarding this tender can only be made in writing to the email address with the subject title*: “*Invitation to tender for construction for construction works in Mundri West, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan”.
FCA has zero tolerance concerning aid diversion and illegal actions and may screen applicants, contractors, suppliers, consultants, etc.) against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism requirements.
Tender Dossier for Construction Works - Mundri West.pdf (527.1 KB)
Annex 3 - Technical Specifications and Documents - Mundri West.pdf (365.2 KB)
Block detail.pdf (679.9 KB)
BLock elevation.pdf (791.3 KB)
Block Plan and Elev1.pdf (225.6 KB)
Latrine Elevations.pdf (227.1 KB)
Latrine foundation-.pdf (311.4 KB)
Latrine substructure detail.pdf (272.5 KB)
Block Plan and Elev1.pdf (225.6 KB)
Mundri works-TLS EleV.pdf (575.0 KB)
Procurement Department
Finn Church Aid