Invitation to National Open Tender No.MAG-SS-09/LOG/2022- for the Provision of Consultancy Services for English Language Training.

Call for Consultancy Service for English Language Training

The Mines Advisory Group (MAG) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) that assists people affected by landmines, unexploded ordnance, small arms and light weapons. MAG has operated in this region, now South Sudan since 2004, clearing land across different states including Central and Eastern Equatoria, Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity. Large tracts of land have been cleared of landmines and explosive remnants of war and consequently released to communities for productive use. Acknowledging the need to build local capacities and providing sustainable development interventions, MAG ensures that its field operations are managed and implemented by the South Sudanese people while expatriates only take supervisory and technical roles to guide operations. As a learning organization MAG remains committed to build capacity for its staff by providing development opportunities for its’ staff.

It is against this background that MAG is calling for Proposals from suitable qualified consultant to conduct English language training for approximately fifty (50) MAG staff.

Running from Monday 28th February 2022 to Friday 11th March 2022.

Invitation to Open Tender No MAG-SS-09-LOG-2022.pdf (416.3 KB).

Good Luck.