Invitation for Tender (Supply of sewing machines and motorbikes

Environmental Rehabilitation Program (ERP) is a national South Sudanese NGO founded in 2007 and registered with the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) with number 285.

ERP’s main strategic objectives are, 1) to reduce poverty and to promote at the grassroots level gender socio-economic equality, peace, and social justice; and 2) to attain food security for most vulnerable households by developing sustainable livelihoods and personal empowerment skills.

Since its establishment almost fifteen years ago, ERP has directly benefited the 2,320 households led by vulnerable urban and rural women, primarily by developing value chains and women’s capabilities in the production and commercialization of local produce. A strategic pillar of this approach is to reduce the economic vulnerability of women and girls through the development of entrepreneurial skills and facilitating access to microcredits and technical guidance. As a result, our beneficiaries gain economic self-reliance and reduce their food insecurity, reducing at the same time their exposure to sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence.

ERP is inviting potential tenderers to supply sewing machines, sweater knitting machines, overlock and embroidery, and motorbikes for the training of teenage girls in Maridi of Western Equatoria State. The details and technical specifications of these supplies and requirements can be found in the attached tender invitation.

ERP Invitation for Tender 07 07 2021.pdf (5.8 MB)