Invitation for Pre - Qualification of Suppliers and Services Providers 2022/2024

International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) Is an International Non-Governmental Organization implementing Accelerating Agriculture and Agribusiness for Enhanced Economic Development (A3 SEED) project in Rumbek-Lakes State, Bor in Jonglei State, Yambio in Western Equatoria, Torit in Eastern Equatoria and Central Equatoria States. International Fertilizer Development Center is duly registered by RRC with registration number 3,500.

IFDC South Sudan is considering prequalifying suppliers/service providers for the year 2022 to 2024. The process is open to all qualified and interested suppliers.

Prospective suppliers and service providers interested in providing goods, services, and works to IFDC South Sudan should complete the pre-qualification questionnaire attached.

IFDC South Sudan will handle all information you provide with strict confidentiality and exclusively for its own purposes.

Interested suppliers and service providers should submit their completed filled supplier questionnaire, to email address: [email protected] and the deadline for receiving application is May 19th 2022. Make sure you clear email subject e.g. (IFDCSSBID1- Office Stationary)

Invitation to bid.pdf (507.1 KB)