Integrated Digital Marketing Strategies Course

FineResults Research Services invites you to a training on:
Topic: Integrated Digital Marketing Strategies Course
Date: 10th to 14th August 2020
Cost: USD 800 or Ksh. 65,000
Contacts: +254 759 285 295 or [email protected].

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. This workshop provides a fast track understanding of the digital landscape including social media marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, online reputation management, email marketing, display advertising and media metrics and analytics. The course also addresses the issues and challenges facing marketers in adapting their organization to the new digital landscape. This is an intermediate level program presented from a marketing practitioner’s perspective – digital marketing is now easily understood.
• Members of sales departments in organizations/ cooperatives/ youth groups
• Research organizations
• Non-government organizations
• Comminincations and other Development programmes participants.
• Data management personell.
• Have a sound understanding of the general principles of digital advertising.
• Be conversant with relevant technologies, devices and opportunities for digital communications campaigns.
• Have increased confidence and inspiration for the development of strategic and creative digital communication campaigns.
• Understand how to integrate digital into the overall marketing mix.
• Understand the methods and metrics of analysing digital campaigns.
• Have insight into the operational and logistical challenges that face both agencies and clients in adding digital to their organisations marketing offering.
NB: We are offering you a half day, fun and interactive team building event!
Be part of the Training
• Click HERE for the individual registration.

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