Integrated Community Development Planning (ICDP) From 11-02-2019 To 15-02-2019


Planning is a key component in community development, it’s imperative that there is active community participation for the development to be acceptable by the community. Integrated Community Development Planning (ICDP) is the participatory technique used by development partners in planning and implementing community development projects by assessing the community nexus of needs vis-à-vis the available resources.

Past experiences have proved that communities cannot be supported using isolated approaches but need an integrated approach that addresses the complexity of livelihood at community level.

This course is aimed at locating the principles and strategies for Integrated Community Development Planning (ICDP) by embracing the core elements in design and implementation of community development agenda.


This course will benefit professionals working in community development from National/ County/Provincial/Districts, CBOs and NGOs including but not limited to;

  • social workers,
  • planners
  • health workers
  • environmental Officers
  • rural development officers;
  • community development officers
  • Community Development Workers
  • Social science
  • post-graduate students;
  • civil society


After the completion of the course, the participants will acquire practical skills to facilitate change agents for ensuring that social capital and knowledge skills of community members are utilized fully in community development agenda.


Introduction to ICDP

  • principles,
  • concepts and context

Theory and analytical framework for ICDP

  • The interrelated ICDP environmental context
  • Understanding ICDP holistically
  • An interdisciplinary approach towards ICDP
  • Appropriate social research methodology for ICDP

Strategies in ICPD

  • ICDP theory
  • ICDP stakeholders as participants
  • ICDP process and cycles
  • ICDP communication
  • ICDP facilitation and mobilization
  • ICDP implementation
  • ICDP monitoring and evaluation

Case study and Drawing learning lessons


Qualified Professional Participants must be reasonably proficient in English to understand and fulfill the training requirements


  • 5 days

For registration, comment or clarification contacts us on
Tel: +254204400942 or +254706582430
Email: [email protected]