ICT for HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Reporting Course.(11th -15th September)

Event: ICT for HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Reporting Course.

HIV/AIDS surveillance and reporting enhances efforts to prevent HIV transmission, improve allocation of resources for treatment services, and assist in evaluating the impact of public health interventions. This course will provide training in new methods, techniques and best practices related to effective reporting data on AIDS cases, new infections, and behavior and characteristics of people at high risk to relevant authorities. The general aims of the course are to familiarize participants with ICT including mobile phone and tablets in data collection and disseminating of HIV/AIDS surveillance to providers and institutions responsible for implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention control.

5 days

Who should attend?
Medical practitioners in charge of HIV/AIDS programs, project officers, researchers and data collectors
The objectives of the training courses are to:
• Increase capacities of participants in development and implementation of HIV/AIDS surveillance and reporting
• Provide a practical overview of methods and approaches used in surveillance data collection, analysis and reporting
• Introduce participants to ICT with the emphasis on open data kit in collecting HIV/AIDS data
• Describe the importance of dissemination of HIV/AIDS surveillance data to providers and institutions responsible for implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention and control programmes
• Assist participants in applying the course contents in their countries

Visit our website for more details.

Tailor-Made Training
This training can also be customized for your institution upon request to a minimum of 4 participants. You can have it delivered in our training centre or at a convenient location.

How to participate
Tailors make your course.
Register individual.
Register as a group.
Become one of our partners.
Purchase software’s

View course catalogue on Health and social care Institute.

For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.
Email [email protected]