Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill vacant posts specified below. Applicants must be Diploma holders in Secondary Education withteaching subjectspecialisation in English Double Main, Chemistry/Biology, Humanities (Christian Religious Education/History or History/Geography.

Applications for the Classroom teacher are limited to females only.

1.Senior woman teacher with experience in teaching Maths and English at both primary and secondary levels, and with additional responsibility for pastoral care (overseeing the boarding school, matrons, personal and social development, co-curricular activities, links with parents)

  1. Directors of studies (1) for primary section and (1) for secondary.

  2. Classroom teacher with experience in teaching preferably at both primary and secondary levels


Good salary, contract and working conditions on offer

Application forms (see below) to be submitted with CV and 3 referees, by January 22/2019

Short-Listing on: 25/01/2019

Interviews in Ibba:Jan 30-31/2019

Job Start Date : Feb 17 2019

Contract type : Full Time Residential

Contract term : Three years in the first instance, following completion of satisfactory probation for 1-year.

Hand written applications with CV and at least (3) referees should be delivered to Ibba Girls Boarding School in Ibba. Onlineapplications with CV and at least three (3) named referees sent to email addresses below NOT later than Jan.22.2019**

NB: Indicate your WhatsApp and Skype contacts.

Vicky Dratia – The Head Teacher ([email protected] )

The Challenge and the Opportunity of a Lifetime

We are looking for two fully qualified, experienced, committed, inspired and inspiring Teachers to strengthen the teaching staff team at Ibba Girls Boarding School (IGBS), Maridi State, South Sudan, as it starts its 4th year of schooling in Feb 2017.

The school was opened to its first 40 ten year old girls in March 2014, and next Feb will have 160 students. The plan is to enrol 40 additional ten year old girls each year until 2022 when the school will reach its planned target of 360 students, in 9 classes from Primary 4 to 8 and Senior 1 to 4.

We will search worldwide to find the best possible person to take on these exciting roles and responsibilities and to help develop IGBS into a beacon of learning in South Sudan. “Educate a woman and they will heal and lead the local community and the nation”

This is a once in a generation opportunity to make a practical difference to the education and life chances of girls in South Sudan, the majority of whom get no schooling beyond the age of 10 - because of traditional and family pressures to help with domestic labour (cooking, fetching water and fire wood) and looking after younger children – and then early pregnancy and marriage (often as young as 14 years).

We want to recruit outstanding people ideally from South Sudan especially women, Uganda, Kenya or rest of Africa, or from the Diaspora. However, we will also search internationally to find the best possible candidates for these two very important jobs. Full job descriptions are attached.

Applications are invited for the four posts from trained teachers of whatever age or background or country of origin. We are willing to offer a highly competitive salary, residential accommodation and food at the school which has solar powered electricity, running water and satellite internet, plus access to a 4 x 4 vehicle. However a clear vocation and personal calling to serve and improve girls education in South Sudan are even more important.

The person appointed must be committed to the Christian vision and values which led the Founders and Trustees to set up the school, and to the guiding principles outlined in the job description.

Above all the Senior Woman Teacher must be able to contribute to the academic and pastoral leadership and management of the school in a way which models and inspires high standards of teaching, a love of learning, a sense of safety and security, and a culture of caring for each other and for the wider community.

We need people (whatever their age, background or experience) who can combine positive energy, clear leadership and warm inter-personal skills with a firm commitment to achieving the highest standards of teaching, learning and behaviour throughout the school.


The Vision and Plan for the School

IGBS aims to provide high quality education rooted in Christian values, but open and welcoming to people of all faiths and none.

IGBS aims to provide high quality residential education for 360 girls aged 10 to 18+ plus (from Primary Level 4 through to Senior Level 4) from across the whole of the former Western Equatoria State, and to empower young women with the values, knowledge and skills for leadership in their local communities and in this newest African nation.

The original vision and the land for this school came from Hon Nagomoro Bridget, former County Commissioner of Ibba and other local community leaders. The school is accountable to a body of South Sudan Trustees and a Board of Governors. A small UK Charity - Friends of Ibba Girls School, has been set up specifically to help raise initial funding, and to provide professional support and advice for the school, working shoulder to shoulder in a long term partnership with the African Trustees, Governors and staff. We aim to combine the best of African and Western approaches to education.

The Age Range

The school caters for girls from the age of 10 to 18+ (from Primary level 4 to Senior level 4), and started with its first 40 ten year old girls in March 2014. Ibba Girls’ School is a purpose built boarding school and over the course of the next 8-years will expand to 360-girls between the ages of 10 and 18+.

A Community School

The school is constituted under South Sudan law as a Community School and is a formal partnership between the local community, the churches and the Greater Western Equatoria Region’s Governments. The school will follow the new South Sudan curriculum and will aim to fulfil the potential of girls from all 10 counties of Greater Western Equatoria Region.

Good Quality Facilities and Teachers Accommodation

The buildings and facilities to teach and accommodate the girls are built to high standards, and the site includes a solar powered water borehole, solar electricity and power, and satellite internet. Good quality teachers’ accommodation is provided on site.

This is a wonderful opportunity for a committed teacher who is inspired by the challenge of starting up, leading and developing a new girls’ school in this developing country, with the opportunity to be innovative and make a real difference.

The Staff Team

A strong team of staff has been appointed to lead and manage this ambitious school. Head Teacher - Vicky AjidiruDratia; Finance Assistant; Anna Joyce plus a team of classroom teachers, matrons, cooks, cleaners, groundsmen and security staff.

The school is deliberately designed to provide for girls aged from 10 years upwards (the age bracket at which they traditionally drop out from schooling) and to act as a bridge to take girls from Primary through to Secondary level. Further details, together with a film and news about the school are available from our website www.ibbagirlsschool.org. The Senior Woman Teacher will therefore need to have a good understanding of teaching and pastoral needs at both primary and secondary levels.

Role Requirements

We are not prescriptive about the candidates’ background or present role. However, we expect that they will have substantial experience of teaching at primary and/or secondary school level.

It is also important to demonstrate an ability to manage and ensure the delivery of high quality and efficient education and pastoral care, ideally in a boarding school environment. This requires an understanding of the balance between academic and social and pastoral activity.

The Governors and School Management Teamwould prefer the Senior Woman Teacher and Classroom Teacher to be qualified and experienced women from South Sudan or sub-Saharan Africa. However, we will be happy also to consider applications from qualified male teachers for the Classroom Teacher role.

The Role of the Senior Woman Teacher

The person appointed as Senior Woman Teacher will work closely with the IGBS Board of Governors and the School Management Teamtohelp

  • To develop and implement a strategic framework, aims and objectives for the school, and its pastoral care.
  • To develop policies, priorities, outcomes and targets for the achievement of the above strategy, aims and objectives.
  • To monitor and evaluate whether and how far the above strategy, aims and objectives are being achieved in practice.
  • To review the lessons from experience and what needs to be done to improve school teaching, learning, performance and culture and care.
  • To teach a full timetable of lessons within the curriculum, in order to lead by example, and to model good teaching practice.

Specific Duties of IGBS- Senior Woman Teacher

Advising the Governors and Head Teacher and staff on strategic planning & development of Girl-child friendly school policies & strategies.

Supporting staff in understanding appropriate needs of the girl-school children.

Ensuring objectives to developing Girl-child friendly facilities are reflected in school development plan.

Monitoring the growth, development & progress of all the girl-school children.

Evaluatingthe effectiveness of teaching and learning by the girl-school children.

Liaising with staff, parents and external agencies to coordinate support for the girl-school children.

Identifying and adopting the most effective teaching approaches that benefit girl-school children.

Liaising with other schools to ensure continuity of support and learning when transferring girl-school children from other source school.

Ensuring all members of staff recognize and fulfil their obligatory responsibilities to all the girl-school children.

Contributing to the professional development of Matrons & other female support staff.

Providing regular information to the Head of School and Governing Body on the evaluation and impact & challenges faced by all girl-school children.

Advising the Head of the School on efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources to support all the girl-school children.

Identifying the appropriate resources needed to meet the needs of girl-school children and advise the Head Teacher of priorities for expenditure and action.

Other general responsibilities of the senior woman teacher

  • Cultivating within the school a positive understanding and attitude towards the Christian faith and values, while also being open and welcoming and respectful to people of all faiths and none
  • Providing and ensuring enthusiastic and effective teaching and learning so that all of the pupils are motivated and inspired to achieve their full potential, with excellent results, and to emerge as capable, confident and caring young women.
  • Developing and maintaining the pastoral care of all pupils, and fostering caring personal relationships;
  • Working with the teaching and support staff and parents to enhance the performance and reputation of the school;
  • Identifying girls with potential in local primary schools for moving on to the Ibba Girls School, and working with the feeder primary schools, parents and the wider community to identify and encourage girls with potential to join the school.

Person Specification for the Senior Woman Teacher

The person appointed will be expected to have the potential to develop

  • Effective leadership and management skills
  • The drive, energy and enthusiasm to communicate their passion for the school and its values and ethos ;
  • The ability to communicate effectively and relate easily to staff, pupils, parents, prospective parents and the school governing committee;
  • The ability to teach in a professional and engaged way and to relate to the learning needs of girls in mid primary and secondary classes.
  • The ability to motivate and inspire pupils to achieve high standards in both academic and extra-curricular activities;
  • Excellent judgement and listening skills, with an ability to empathise with individuals while considering the needs of the community as a whole;
  • Personal presence, confidence, visibility and accessibility;
  • Understanding of and sympathy with the school’s foundation in Christian values, alongside their own personal spiritual commitment;
  • A warm personality together with integrity, resilience, robustness and a sense of humour.

As Senior Woman Teacher you will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of Ibba School and play a leading role in:

 meeting the learning and pastoral needs of the children in the school

 ensuring the development of the school with community support

 leading school growth and school improvement

 supporting the delivery of high standards in all aspects of the school.


You will need to have:

a personal commitment to the school’s core Christian values, and to welcoming and working with people of all faiths and none

 qualified teacher status with a diploma as a minimum expectation

 proven success in managing curriculum and school organisation

 a leadership style which emphasizes good communication and team work

 a preparedness to live in at the school and to contribute to the community




  1. Maintaining complete and accurate records of each student’s academic, spiritual, social & emotional growth using both school wide & classroom based formative and summative assessment.
  2. Planning documents and carrying out daily lessons that align to Ibba Girls School plans, curriculum & academic standards.
  3. Recognising the needs of individual students and the whole group at large. Offering support as needed using flexible groups, workshops, compacting & other differentiation models.
  4. Establishing consistent and logical limits, expectations and classroom routines for students to allow for maximizing learning.
  5. Maintaining an organised & inviting physical learning environment.
  6. Handling stressful situations with grace, patience, understanding & flexibility.


  1. Maintaining close relationships with parents, communicating on regular basis.
  2. Facilitating parent-teacher discussions, providing written materials as and when required.
  3. Encouraging parents and the community involvement in the pupils education.
  4. Maintaining open communication with families via school webpage, email, phone conversations or PTA meetings.


  1. Attending and participating in & contributing to in-service teacher training activities and staff meetings.
  2. Participating in development of curriculum & assessment of curriculum effectiveness in the classroom.
  3. Consulting appropriate school administration & specialists in timely manner to address the needs of struggling students.
  4. Collaborating with colleagues to share experiences and knowledge.


  1. Observing the classroom teaching-learning activities of other colleagues as appropriate.
  2. Welcoming observation by & feedback from other colleagues & professionals in education.
  3. Seeking out and attending workshops, seminars & courses relating to professional growth goals.


  1. Name

  2. Address

  3. Contact Details – E-Mail and Phone

  4. Age and Gender

  5. Qualifications

  6. Teaching Experience – where have you taught and what subjects at what level

  7. Referees