HFO-Job advertisement.

HFO Founded in 2015, the Healthcare Foundation Organization (HFO) has developed a significant presence in South Sudan’s Equatoria region, including Central Equatoria State, Jonglei State in the Upper Nile, and the counties of Fangak and Canal/Pigi, as well as in Unity State’s counties of Rubkona, Guit, and Leer. Its influence extends to the Bahr el Ghazal region, encompassing Northern Bahr El Ghazal, Aweil East County, Warrap State Gogrial East counties. HFO professionals apply their expertise in health, nutrition, protection, food s
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ecurity, education, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The organization’s initiatives across these states are designed to support over 300,000 people through various development and humanitarian aid projects and programs.