Health & Nutrition Manager

(CRADA) Christian Recovery and Development Agency, is a Humanitarian organization that started working in the country since 2003 delivering humanitarian service through Health,Nutrition, Livelihoods, education, peacebuilding, Wash, and protection. etc.**.’’ Currently **Christian Recovery and Development Agency operates in ''Akobo West Walgak, Nyirol, Pibor administrative Area, and unity state (Bentui town). To ensure that the organization meets its objectives, CRADA is seeking to recruit a vibrant & self motivated South Sudanese or (International staff) to fill its Vacant position of Health & Nutrition Manager to Support its Health project in Akobo west walgak . For Application details, Kindly find attached Job advert and circulate widely. NOTE: Applications should not be more than 3MBs.
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Health & Nutrition Manager (1).pdf (2.2 MB)