Head Of Programs

Universal Network for Knowledge & Empowerment Agency (UNKEA) is a national organization Operating in South Sudan since its founded in 2002, was found by a group of concern men & women of Upper Nile State, to respond to dire social, economic, livelihoods, Health condition, experienced by the South Sudanese Citizenry. UNKEA initially purpose was designed strategies and interventions to fight the deadly Kalaazar disease which is highly prevented in Upper Nile region with time, UNKEA mandate has expanded to include other intervention such as provision of Primary Health Care, Nutrition, Food Security & livelihoods, Water & Sanitation, Education, Social development of youth and women, Economic development, Access to justice & Peace Building. UNKEA implementing her projects in Upper Nile, Warrap, Jonglei, Central and Eastern Equatoria States.
Please refer to the attached Document for Further Details of the Job Summary.
HOP Job Description.pdf (1.9 MB)