This course is job oriented and aims to impact practical skills on how to use GIS to overcome the major challenges faced during phases of disease outbreak, surveillance and monitoring.
Participants will acquire hands-on skills in use of Geographic Information System (GIS) as a tool to capture, store, analyze, manage, and visualize disease cases data that is geographically linked. The participants will also acquire statistical data analysis skills.
The course is targeted at professionals who require knowledge and skills on the use of GIS and RS in their organization in the field of risk management. Participants are welcome from a broad range of organizations including physical planning, institutions, professionals and private GIS and RS related firms.
• Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
o Describe and utilize spatial data, GIS and remote sensing in risk assessment and Management
o To develop Understanding on the different components of a GIS and the role GIS plays in solving epidemiological and animal health related problems
o To improve data management and analysis skills of the participants
o To perform spatial and temporal epidemiological analysis using GIS.
o Establish understanding on how to work with spatial data and GIS techniques to solve epidemiology and animal health problems.
o To expose participants to data capture, input, manipulation and display by GIS
o Utilize existing sources of historical animal disease information and elements at risk data
o Employ risk information in emergency preparedness planning
o Visualize risk information
Module 1: Basic statistical data analysis for disease monitoring
• Introduction to excel
• Preparing data for analysis
o Creating a list
o Manipulating data using formulas
o Outlining and Sorting data
o Entering Data: Data Forms
o Finding Records Using Criteria
o Filtering Data
o Data Auditing
o Data validation
Graphs and Charts Line Graphs
• Bar Charts
• Statistical Data Analysis with Excel Presentation using Pivot charts
o Descriptive Statistics
o Pivot tables
o Probability Distribution
Module 2: Basic GIS concepts
• Basic GIS concepts and terminologies
• Introduction to spatial information
• Introduction to Epidemiology concepts
• Introduction to GIS in disease surveillance
• Planning for a GIS system installation
• Working with a GIS software
GIS data sources, data collection and integration techniques for Risk mapping
• Data sources for disease information mapping
• GPS /mobile phone GPS for field data collection using ODK.
• GPS, GIS Integration using QGIS.
Module 3: Disease vulnerability and Risk assessment using GIS
• Types and methods of risk assessment, risk evaluation, cost-benefit analysis.
• Elements at risk, hazard and vulnerability assessment using GIS.
• GIS Multi criteria analysis in vulnerability assessment.
• GIS in mapping disease causing vector location and distribution and disease prevalence in potential hazard areas.
Module 4: Application of Risk Information for Risk Reduction Planning
• Visualization of risk information
• Risk mapping
• Disease monitoring
Spatial mapping and Visualization in disease surveillance
• Mapping Project activities
• GIS mapping of priority public health problems
• GIS mapping of most at risk populations (MARPS)
• Creating a risk map
Module 5: GIS for monitoring in Epidemiology and public health
• GIS in Disease transmission and progression mapping
• GIS as a Decision Support System for Public Health Management (What, where, when, how and why analysis)
• Use of GIS in disease surveillance
The Training Event fee is USD $1050, this caters for facilitation, refreshments and lunch for the entire training period. Accommodation can be arranged on request at an extra cost.
To registers for this event, click on this link: (Online Registration)