GIS and Remote sensing in Multi hazard early Warning systems Course on 7th – 11th May 2018

Event: GIS & Remote sensing in Multi hazard early Warning systems Course

Venue : Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya.

Event Date : 7th – 11th May 2018




This training aims to develop the capacity of professionals mainly working in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Impact and Adaptation to design, manage, evaluate and undertake improvements in people-centered early warning systems for hydro-meteorological & geological hazards and extreme events associated with climate change and variability. It builds upon Indepth Research Services (IRES) experience in building capacities on use of GIS, Remote Sensing and space based technologies in disaster risk management for disaster management institutions, disaster management practitioners and communities. It aims to institutionalize weather and climate information applications for disaster mitigation.


The course is tailored for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Impact and Adaptation practitioners, development workers, including officials of national and provincial governments, extension officers, defense forces, emergency services, and staff of training institutes, institutions of public administration, national and international NGOs, UN agencies and the private sector. Participants who are responsible for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and disaster management policy will gain the most from the curriculum.


5 days


The main objective of the training is to enhance the capacity of participating professionals and institutions, to effectively develop skills in process design of multi-hazard early warning systems and mitigate the effects of events related to hydro-meteorological and geological phenomena.

Upon completion the participants will learn how to:

  • Undertake risk assessment and design of multi-hazard early warning systems for disaster risk reduction
  • Effectively integrate scientific and technical inputs into early warning dissemination and communication system
  • Develop strategies to institutionalize early warning systems into the process cycle of disaster risk management and development planning, emergency response, and preparedness activities
  • Develop risk communication & communication technologies
  • Interpret scientific information products into user friendly formats and prepare & communicate tailor made early warning information products
  • Design and implement community based early warning systems that are people centered
  • Evaluate and introduce public education and training program for the community based early warning systems
  • Apply GIS and RS for designing implementations of large scale early warning systems and Participatory GIS skills for community Early Warning Systems
  • Apply Mobile Data Gathering technologies for rapid assessment and surveys
  • Apply emerging generation climate prediction technologies for anticipating and managing disaster risks associated with climate change & variability


  • Concepts and main frameworks in Multi Hazard Early Warning Systems
  • Basic concepts of GIS and Remote Sensing in the context of Early Warning Systems
  • Introduction to Risk Identification and assessment using Spatial Technologies
  • Handling spatial information IV: Satellite image processing techniques for change detection (Using ILWIS)
  • Monitoring and evaluation of early warning system

Visit our website for more details

How to Participate

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Payment should be transferred to IRES account through bank on or before C.O.B. 30th April 2018

Send proof of payment to [email protected]

View GIS and Earth Observation Institute Course Catalogue

For any registration of 3 or more participants, we offer a discount of up to 25%.

Click here now to register.

For further inquiries email [email protected] or contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817,

+254 731240802


Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact the Training Officer.

Email: [email protected].

Mob: +254 715 077 817

Tel: 020 211 3814