GIS and Mapping in Crime Analysis Training From 18th September - 25th October 2019


Crime analysis is a law enforcement function that involves systematic analysis for identifying and analyzing patterns and trends in crime and disorder. Information on patterns can help law enforcement agencies deploy resources in a more effective manner, and assist detectives in identifying and apprehending suspects.

The training is meant to synthesize current concepts mostly of Geographical Information systems and mapping and technological advancements in the field of crime analysis.


5 Days


The training is meant for persons majorly on law enforcement


At the end of the training, the participants will have a deep understanding of:

  • GIS and mapping terminology
  • Application of GIS in crime analysis and mapping
  • Application of GIS in crime solving
  • Geocoding of spatial data
  • Analysis of spatial data related to crime


Module 1

  • Definition of Core terms
  • Types of Crime Analysis
  • Crime Analysis Model

Module 2: Introduction to Crime Analysis Mapping

  • Historical Overview
  • Types of Mapping
  • Crime Analysis Mapping
  • GIS Components
  • Data of geographic features
  • GIS toolbox
  • Visual display/mapping
  • Querying GIS data
  • Map Scanning and Conversion
  • Geo-Referencing
  • Digitizing
  • Creation of Point Map
  • Database Design
  • Buffer Zone Generation, Queries and Crime Pattern Analyses

Module 3: Introduction to Problem Solving

  • Definition of Problem Solving
  • SARA Approach to Problem Solving
  • Crime Analysis and Problem Solving

Module 4: Data and Geocoding

  • Types of Data
  • Tabular Data
  • Geographic Data
  • General Data Integrity Issues
  • Data Management
  • Metadata
  • Geocoding
  • The geocoding process

Module 5: Spatial Analysis Techniques

  • Single Symbol Mapping
  • Graduated Mapping
    • Graduation By Size
    • Graduation By Color
  • Classification Methods

Module 6: Crime Analysis Product Format and Dissemination

  • Factors to Consider
  • Methods of Dissemination
  • Components of Crime Analysis Products
  • Types of Crime Analysis Products
  • General Crime Analysis Product Elements
  • Map Design Elements


This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can have it delivered your preferred location.

For further inquiries, please contact us on details below:

Tel: +254 (0) 739167709.

Email: training
For online registration,Click on this link: