Geneva Call - Vacancies

Geneva Call is a neutral and impartial non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting respect by Armed Groups and de facto Authorities (AGDAs) for international humanitarian norms in armed conflict and other situations of violence, in particular those related to the protection of civilians. Geneva Call is currently focusing its efforts on banning the use of anti-personnel mines, protecting children from the effects of armed conflict, prohibiting sexual violence in armed conflict and working towards the elimination of gender discrimination.

Appel de Genève / Geneva Call is a private, not-for-profit humanitarian organization founded in 1998 under Swiss law.

In South Sudan, Geneva Call implements activities aimed at a better protection of the civilian population in situations of armed conflict. This includes liaising with armed stakeholders and communities.

Below are the job openings:

  1. Finance, HR/Admin Officer (National)
  2. Driver (National)
  3. Project Officer (National)
  4. MEAL Officer (National)
  5. IHL/IHRL Legal Advisor (International)

Application deadline is Wednesday 5th July, 2023 at 05:00pm CAT.