Fixed Assets Accounting and Management Course

Events: Fixed Assets Accounting and Management Course

Venue: Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya

Event Date: 11th – 15th June 2018.


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Accounting and management of fixed assets is very significant to any organization. Fixed assets are the major resources used to produce products and generate future benefits. This course deliberates the accounting and management of these assets. The accounting and management for fixed assets cover all life-cycles of fixed assets from creation or acquisition to utilization and maintenance until renewal or disposal. The management part also includes decision making tools like NPV, IRR and other capital budget comparative tools used to decide whether to acquire, replace or refurbish assets.


5 days


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Understand the requirements to establish a whole life asset management system of fixed assets.

Recognize and correctly measure fixed assets under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Justify the accounting and reporting for transactions throughout the life of the assets.

Explain the proper accounting for disposals, impairment, and sales of long lived assets.

Evaluate investments in fixed assets according to Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and other methods.


  • Organizational Responsibilities in Fixed Assets Accounting and Management
  • Evaluating investments in assets
  • Asset Valuation
  • Multiple Unit Assets
  • Numbering and Tagging Fixed Assets
  • Asset Acquisitions
  • Improvements, Betterments, and Maintenance
  • Transfer of Fixed Assets
  • Transfer and Removal of Surplus Property
  • Retirement and Disposal
  • Physical Inventory
  • Periodic and Year-End Procedures and Records Maintenance

Visit our website for more details.

Tailor-Made Training

This training can also be customized for your institution upon request to a minimum of 4 participants. You can have it delivered in our training center or at a convenient location.

How to participate

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Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact the Training Officer.

Email: [email protected] . Mob: +254 715 077 817 Tel: 020 211 3814


Payment should be transferred to IRES account through bank on or before C.O.B 04th June 2018.

Send proof of payment to [email protected] .