Film Documentary and Production opportunity with ZOA Dorcas South Sudan

ZOA Dorcas South Sudan is an international NGO that was established in March 2022 as a result of the merger between ZOA and Dorcas in South Sudan. Both organisations were individually present in South Sudan for years (ZOA since 1998 and Dorcas since 2008) and the partnership is expected to further increase impact.

ZOA Dorcas is therefore looking to engage the services of a registered progressive film documentary and production media house or company as guided the Terms of Reference attached. Please refer to the ToR and the two annextures for guidance on how and what to submit.

Registered progress Film Documentary and production-TOR.pdf (1.6 MB)
Finance_Procurement Annex_Supplier Registration Form ENG.docx (49.8 KB)
ZOA-Dorcas Code of Conduct - Suppliers version - English.pdf (114.8 KB)